Flowers for Sarajevo

By John McCutcheon The moving story of a young boy who discovers the power of beauty and kindness during a time of war. Drasko helps his father sell flowers in Sarajevo, but when war threatens and his father is called to the battlefront, Drasko must take over the flower stall. One morning the boy's familiar … Continue reading Flowers for Sarajevo

Rivers of Sunlight

By Molly Barg A stunning, accessible explanation of the Earth's water cycle and its global effects. In this brightly illustrated narrative, readers will learn about the constant movement of water as it flows around the Earth and the sun's important role as water changes between liquid, vapor, and ice. From sea to sky, the sun … Continue reading Rivers of Sunlight

Karl, Get Out of the Garden!

By Anita Sanchez Do you know what a Solanum caule inermi herbaceo, foliis pinnatis incises, racemis simplicibus is?* Carolus (Karl) Linnaeus started off as a curious child who loved exploring the garden. Despite his intelligence--and his mother's scoldings--he was a poor student, preferring to be outdoors with his beloved plants and bugs. As he grew … Continue reading Karl, Get Out of the Garden!