Louis Braille was just five years old when he lost his sight. He was a clever boy, determined to live like everyone else, and what he wanted more than anything was to be able to read.

Question: Braille revolutionized the unsighted world.  Think of at least 3 inventions that were dependent upon the braille system.

7 thoughts on “Six Dots

  1. The Haille Braillewriter & Perkins Brailler were early devices that were much simpler than typewriters. They could function with only 6-8 keys because of Braille’s arranged-dot system for representing letters.

    Tactile signs (on ATMs, public restroom doors, bus stops, etc.) rely on the 6-dot Braille system to transmit info efficiently through touch, just as we use symbols as visual shortcuts.

    Today, digital Braille displays allow users to connect standard electronic devices (such as Kindles, smartphones, etc.) and read the onscreen text tactilely. Again, the 6-dot system allows for ease in translation.


  2. The first invention that comes to mind is that of Braille books. Though there were ways for people with visual impairments to read, they were difficult and time consuming. Braille books made reading much faster and easier for many. A Perkins Brailler, or a Braille typewriter, is another invention created as a result of Braille. This important invention allows any writing to be shared with individuals with visual impairments. A third invention is that of Braille writers and slates that allow people to create braille anywhere.


  3. The Braille writing machine, called the Hall Braille writer, was invented in 1892. It has six keys, one for each dot in the Braille cell. Today the visually impaired still use a modern form of this device. ( There is an electronic embossing machine that is similar to the electric typewriter and electronic computer processing.)
    Another invention, with the help of a friend, was raphigraphy or also called decapoint. This system allows both the blind and sighted people to write to each other.
    Technology of today has led to several inventions that helps the visually impaired read and write. There is an electronic Braille note taker which is an alternative to traditional slate and stylus. Braille display technology, which provides information in Braille about what appears on a computer screen is another invention. There is also digital libraries which allows people to borrow books and magazines in Braille and in audio, as well as other books that can be read by both the blind and sighted. Our smartphones and tablets even provide options for converting standard text to
    speech or to Braille.


  4. The six dot Braille system has been used in many ways other than books. It has helped aspiring musicians learn to read and write music, is a feature in subway and other maps systems, and is even available on A TM machines.the Braille system has been an amazing invention.


  5. The braille systems offers countless inventions for the blind. The braille system is everywhere from financial records to restaurant menus. What a wonderful system Louis Braille came up with!


  6. Braille has opened the world to those who are visually challenged. The six dot system has allowed all printed publications of literacy to be offered to blind people. Braille is incorporated into portable devices so that blind people can be included in everyday activities and tasks. If a portable device is not handy, braille can also be used in restaurants, parks, libraries, etc.


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